PHP Debt Solutions and Mediator Debt Solutions

July 2024 Top 10​

Join our training class to learn how PHP Agents across the country are helping families get out of debt faster and getting their new agents paid before they are licensed.

Learn directly from the Board & Chairman's Council

MEDIATOR DEBT SOLUTIONS and PHP AGENCY at the 2018 Builders Land Event!

Specialists In Debt Solutions

From Credit Cards to Student Loans, we can help your clients acquire cash flow and/or trust and credibility simply by offering our much needed services.

Cash flow

How can we help with cash flow?

No Cash flow means no policies.

Our services offer clients the opportunity to acquire debt-relief and increase their cash flow which in turn provides you a chance to offer an insurance product or a career after become the source of much needed debt relief.

Debt Relief Means Trust

How so?

Here's how:

Acquiring debt relief is one of the most important things hovering over the millions of Americans plagued by debt. Imagine become the solutions to their strife and how much easier it will be to build a working relationship with them afterwards?

Credit Card Debt

How can you help?

You can change a person's life!

Imagine paying $600+ towards unsecured debt knowing that most of it is going towards interest that is delaying your payoff date by many years! Now imagine being able to tell a customer that in about a year, their entire credit outlook can change!


Contact the PHP Debt Solutions Team!

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Together we have achieved over $320,469,942 Enrolled Debt!